
 [LED] 成大研發LED集魚燈 省20%油耗 《聯合新聞網》2012/06/12  漁船在夜間捕魚時,船邊、水下都會用燈光吸引魚群,再撒網下水。成功大學研發以LED燈取代傳統白光集魚燈,還設計「誘魚光形」,如果以漁船用油供電計算,可以省下近20%油耗;而且LED燈不含汞、不含紫外光,也不會傷害漁民健康。 傳統的白光集魚燈內含汞,燈光內的紫外光對皮膚也不好。成大系統及船舶機電工程學系副教授沈聖智表示,漁民皮膚並不是被太陽曬黑,而是被集魚燈的紫外光照的;長久下來有健康疑慮。 LED是近年來的環保照明設備,數年前成大開始研究是否能用LED當作集魚燈。成大船舶系特聘教授方銘川回憶,研發之初,研究團隊拆了盞燈到水上試驗,結果魚都不來,才發現「原來不是街燈拿去照就可以」。後來,他們先研究魚「喜歡什麼光」;沈聖智表示,經過多項測試,他們做出類似陰天雲剛散時,一道道陽光穿過雲層照到地面的樣子。沈聖智說,魚最喜歡在「片狀」光照下、亮和暗交錯的空間裡,試用LED的漁船捕獲量和使用傳統白光燈的船差不多。 他們的研究已經用於近海漁業和遠洋秋刀魚漁船。沈聖智說,LED集魚燈比傳統白光集魚燈節能省電,他們估算遠洋漁船出海4個月,就能省下新台幣262萬元油費;若以近海的20至50噸級漁船計算,每年也能省下近32萬元。有高雄中芸漁港的漁民說,傳統白光燈關掉再開要等20多分鐘,LED燈不必,不怕錯過集魚時機,而且很省電;方銘川表示,當初拜託幾艘船裝他們的LED燈試用,結果現在反而因為太好用而收不回來。漁業署署長沙志一表示,下周起政府將提供4000萬元、利率1.5%的低利貸款,鼓勵漁船將集魚燈換成LED燈具。 From http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=395634#ixzz1yDqpsVjv  

                          From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPd8sIXhVeI


[LED] NCKU Professors Develop LED Fishing Lamps 
Taipei Times (2012/06/12) A university said on June 11 it had developed energy-saving LED fishing lamps that could cut costs for fishermen who use bright lights on their boats to attract fish. “LED lamps can help reduce overall fuel consumption on fishing boats by between 15 and 20 percent,” National Cheng Kung University professor Sheng-chih SHEN (沈聖智), who helped develop the device, said at a press conference. 
The LED lamps use less than 10 percent of the power required by traditional fishing lamps, allowing more energy to be diverted to freezers to ensure catches remain fresh, SHEN said. SHEN and Ming-chung FANG (方銘川), both professors at the university’s Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering, developed the lamp over a five year period with NT$20 million (US$669,000) in funding from the Council of Agriculture.The lamp was also designed to project patterns of light on the surface of the ocean to attract fish, SHEN said, adding that the LED lamp is the first device in the world to be designed with this function.SHEN said the lamp’s unique light patterns entice fish to remain longer in lit areas, adding that the LED lamp would dispel the myth that the brighter the light, the better the catch. 
The professor added that the LED lamp is safer for fishermen, who are often exposed to hazardous ultraviolet rays emitted by traditional fishing lamps. 
Over the past three years, the LED lamp has been used in test runs on a number of Taiwanese fishing vessels and test results have shown that fuel costs can be cut by about NT$300,000 a year for offshore vessels and by more than NT$2 million per four-month voyage for open-ocean vessels, SHEN said. 
If all fishing vessels in the country used the LED lamp, fishermen could save a total of between NT$600 million and NT$700 million in fuel costs each year, the study found.SHEN added that the LED lamp can easily be switched on and off, “unlike traditional lamps, which cannot be turned on for up to 20 minutes after being switched off.” The results of the study have been given to two local manufacturers, and some Japanese companies have also expressed interest in the technology, as similar lamps in Japan may be 10 times more expensive, FANG said. 
Reference: Taipei Times 2012/06/12 ; http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?160,23596